Assoc. Prof. Jian Su
Assoc. Prof. Jian Su


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Assoc. Prof. Jian Su

IEEE Menber

School of Computer and Software

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

Speech title:Industrial Smart Eyes—New Opportunities for Passive Sensing for the Digital Economy


Dr. Jian Su is a "Longshan Scholar" of Nanjing University of Information Technology, Master Supervisor, Vice President of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, member of China Computer Federation, member of ACM, member of IEEE, member of China Association for the Promotion of Industry-University-Research Cooperation, member of CAAI Intelligent Information Network Experts Committee, and member of Young Expert Committee of Internet of Things of China Institute of Electronics. He is the editor-in-chief of Journal on Internet of Things and the editorial board member of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, the program committee member of important international academic conferences such as IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE VTC, IEEE/ACM IWQoS and ICAIS.  His research interests include radio frequency integrated circuits and systems, backscatter communications, and IoT. In recent years, he has presided over National Natural Science Foundation project, Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation project, Jiangsu University Natural Science Research General Project, and a number of enterprise-entrusted projects. He edited textbook of Jiangsu Province's 13th Five-Year Plan, won China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation and Promotion Award (individual award), and won second prize of China Invention and Innovation Award Entrepreneurship Award. He has published more than 30 papers in high-level journals at home and abroad, such as IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE TMC, IEEE TCOM, IEEE TWC, and Chinese Journal of Electronics, and authorized 6 national invention patents.