Assoc. Prof. Gaige Wang
Assoc. Prof. Gaige Wang


Assoc. Professor Gaige Wang-116x160.jpg

 Assoc. Prof. Gaige Wang

Ocean University of China, China


Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Presided over a total of 4 fund projects.

In 2017, he won the second prize of the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (Science and Technology), and in 2018, he won the second prize of the Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Award.

Published 123 academic papers (including acceptance), 84 papers were indexed by SCI, 15 papers in Zone 1, and 4 papers by IEEE Trans (3 papers by the first author). Papers have been cited more than 7,200 times, and he has cited more than 6,000 times.

15 papers were selected as the top 1% highly cited papers by ESI, and 3 papers were selected as the top 0.1% hot papers by ESI.

Served as editorial board member of Mathematics (SCI), IJBIC (SCI), Karbala Int J of Modern Science, J of AIS, and associate editor of IEEE Access (SCI) and IJCISIM. Springer Nature officially released the 2019 high-impact papers of Chinese scholars. Ranked the top of the high-impact papers in the field of computer science in 2019.